Virtual Library Tour
Accessing the Virtual Library Tour
The Virtual Library Tour can be viewed in its entirety by using the mini-player below. Click the player screen to pause the auto-pan.
Continue to scroll down for the Virtual Tour Key to assist you in navigating the tour, interactive maps of the first and second floors, and 360 images of Floors 4 through 8.
Click the "Related Pages" button (the icon of two squares) on the bottom right of the player to quickly jump to other spaces or use the search bar (i.e. type in "Audrey's Cafe" to find that 360 image.)
Navigating the Virtual Library Tour
Use the Virtual Tour Key to assist with wayfinding while taking the Virtual Library Tour, and learn more about the highlighted areas in the Library.

Floors 4 to 8
While our traditional in-person tour does not include floors 4 through 8 to minimize disruptions to quiet and silent study spaces, below is a virtual peek of each floor.- Floor 4 ( Interactive 360 Image | Floor plan)
- Floor 5 ( Interactive 360 Image | Floor plan )
- Floor 6 ( Interactive 360 Image | Floor plan)
- Floor 7 ( Interactive 360 Image | Floor plan )
- Floor 8 ( Interactive 360 Image | Floor plan )
Comments or Questions?
Send comments or questions regarding the Virtual Library Tour to