License Agreements (Redacted) for UCSD-Managed Electronic Resources
These electronic resources are licensed by UC San Diego Library (for information on the license terms of electronic resources licensed by the California Digital Library, please visit CDL's Redacted License Agreements page). For further information, or text equivalent versions, please contact the Library's CARS Program.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Alexander Street Press (UC San Diego licensed resources)
The American Ceramic Society (Phase Equilibria Diagrams Online)
American College of Physicians (ACP)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
American Medical Association
American Psychiatric Publishing (Psychiatry Legacy Collection)
American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Art & Architecture ePortal (Yale)
Biomed Central (UC San Diego licensed resources)
Bioscientifica Read and Publish Agreement (Society for Endocrinology)
British Online Archives (Microform Academic Publishers)
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge Structural Database UCSD Tier 2
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Center for Research In Securities Practice (CRSP)
China Academic Journals (CD Edition) Electronic Publishing House Co., Ltd
China Economic & Industry Data Database (CEIC)
China International Book Trading Corporation
Chinese University Press Databases
- Chinese Cultural Revolution & Chinese Anti-Rightist Campaign Databases
- Chinese Great-Leap Forward - Great Faminine Database
- The Chinese Political Campaigns in the 1950s: From Land Reform to the State-Private Partnership (1949-1956)
CNKI/Tongfang Knowledge
- Chinese Language & Culture Library (CLCL)
- Chinese Monographic Serials Full-Text Database (CMSD/Fudan International Studies Review
Cold Spring Harbor Transformative Agreement
Congressional Quarterly Inc. (CQ Weekly)
CorpTech (Corporate Technology Information Services)
Cross-National Time Series Data Archive (hosted data files)
Cross National Time Series Data Archive (Web)
CSCS media & culture archive (Center for the Study of Culture and Society)
Data-Planet / Conquest Systems, Inc.
Database of Recorded American Music (DRAM)
Digital Dictionary of Buddhism
Duke Mathematical Journal Archives
Duke University Press E-books Collection
EastView Information Services, Inc.
EBSCOHost Databases
- Appendix A (Old Testament Abstracts, Absees, Environmental Policy Index, Index to Jewish Periodicals, Bibliography of Native North Americans)
- 1st Amendment (Film & Television Literature Index, International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance)
- 2nd Amendment (Abstracts in Social Gerontology, Urban STudies Abstracts, Peace Research Abstracts, Race Relations Abstracts)
- 4th Amendment (ATLA Serials)
- 6th Amendment (Fish & Fisheries Worldwide)EBSCOHost Databases (UC San Diego subscribed access databases)
- 8th Amendment (Social Work Abstracts)
- 10th Amendment (Communication Abstracts)
- 12th Amendment (Humanities Intl Complete, Environment Complete, Comm & Mass Media Complete, SocINDEX)
- EBSCOHost Databases (UC San Diego perpetual access databases)
Economist Intelligence Unit (CDL master license)
- 1st Addendum
- 2nd Addendum
- 4th Addendum
- 5th Addendum
Elgar Essentials in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility
- Schedule 2: Elsevier Netter Presenter and Reference
- Schedule 3: Elsevier Clinical Pharmacology powered by ClinicalKey
- Schedule 4: Elsevier FormChecker
Gallup Brain
Geological Society of America (GSA)
Global Insight [for license information for this resource, contact the UC San Diego Library's Acquisitions Dept]
Global Market Information Database
Henry Stewart Publications
IGI Global (prev. Idea Group Inc.)
Institute of Mathematics - Polish Academy of Science (IMPAN): years 2001-2007
Institute of Mathematics - Polish Academy of Science (IMPAN): year 2008
Institute of Mathematics - Polish Academy of Science (IMPAN): year 2009
Institute of Mathematics- Polish Academy of Science (IMPAN): year 2010
Institute of Mathematics- Polish Academy of Science (IMPAN): year 2011
Institute of Mathematics- Polish Academy of Science (IMPAN): year 2014-
International Association for Great Lakes Research
International Centre for Diffraction Data
International Energy Agency (IEA)
ISI Web of Knowledge. Zoological RecordJ
Japan Institute of Heterocyclic Chemistry
John Benjamins Publishing Company Read & Publish Open Access Agreement
JOVE, Journal of Visualized Experiments (Journal)
JOVE, Journal of Visualized Experiments (Science Education)
Kinokuniya Bookstore / Japan Knowledge
- 1st Amendment - Taiyo (UCSD & UCLA only)
- 2nd Amendment - Japan Knowledge plus NK
- 3rd Amendment - extend access to Taiyo
- 4th Amendment - Bungei Kurabu
- 5th Amendment - Gunsho Ruiju
- 6th Amendment - Toyo Keizai Digital Archives
- 7th Amendment - Bijutsu Shinpo
- 8th Amendment - Fuzoku Gaho
- 9th Amendment - Oriental Economist
- 10th Amendment - Takita Choin kyuzo Kindai sakka genkoshu
- 11th Amendment - Japan Knowledge plus NK
- 12th Amendment - Toyo Keizai Digital Archives (Unit Two)
- 13th Amendment - Bungeishunju Archives
- 14th Amendment - Kobunso Taika Koshomoku
- 15th Amendment - Web Kamakura Ibun & Toji Temple Documents
- 16th Amendment - Kokushi Taikei
Korean Studies Information (Chosun Ilbo)
Korean Studies Information Co., Ltd. (MBC Archive)
Korean Studies Information Co. Ltd.
Kyobo Scholar (Megacontents Co., Ltd)
Latin American Public Opinion Project Subscription
Latin American Public Opinion Project Data Repository
Lexis/Nexis Digital Collections
Mary Ann Liebert journals (UCSD Tier 2 2010)
- CDL license
- 1st Amendment - (Tier 2: 2012-2017)
- 2nd Amendment - (Tier 2: 2018-2020)
- 3 rd Amendment – (Tier 2: 2021-2022)
Materials Research Society (UC San Diego licensed resources)
McGraw Hill (AccessEngineering, AccessPharmacy, AccessScience)
Microbiology Society Publish & Read Agreement
Mohr Siebeck (See Terms & Conditions)
Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database
NetLibrary (EBSCO)
Newsbank/Readex (UC San Diego licensed resources)
- Global Times
- Chinese Databases
- Archives of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
- Archives of the Chinese Government
- Archives of the Communist Party of China (CPC)
- Archives of the National People's Congress (NPC)
- Party and Government Documents in English
- 5th Amendment - UCSD ejournal subscriptions
- 19th Amendment - UCSD ejournal subscriptions
- 10th Amendment - LWW Health Library
Oxford Digital Reference Shelf and Handbooks
Palgrave Macmillan New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
Panmun Academic Services (E-Korean Studies Database)
Photographic Youth Music Culture Archive CompanyProquest Databases (UC San Diego licensed resources)
PRS Group (Political Risk Services)
- Refinitive Code of Interactive Services
- Refinitive Third-Party Provider Additional Terms
- Refinitiv Information Schedule
Roper Center for Public Opinion Research (see online Terms of Use)
Royal Society of Chemistry Ebooks
Royal Society of Medicine (2007)
Royal Society of Medicine (2012)
Sage Publications Access Agreement (incl CQ Press)
- 1st Amendment
- 2nd Amendment
- 3rd Amendment
- 4th Amendment
- 5th Amendment
- 6th Amendment
- 7th Amendment - Sage ebook EBA
- 8th Amendment
- 9th Amendment - Sage ebook EBA 2022
- Political Handbook of the World 2022-2023
Sage Publications Journals (UCSD only)
Shanghai Tuqing Information Co., Ltd. (CDL master license)
SimplyMap (Geographic Research Inc.)
Springer Nature Palgrave Journals
Springer Nature Palgrave Macmillan Journals Backfiles (2015)
Springer Nature Palgrave Macmillan Journals & 1st and 2nd Addendum (2004-2016)
Springer Nature (Palgrave Journals) 2017-2019Springer Nature Palgrave Journals 2020
Springer Nature
Taylor & Francis Group (UC San Diego licensed resources)
Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium (TRAC)
- Thomas Telford Journals Geosynthetics International and Structural Concrete Archives
- Thomas Telford Journals Geotechnique Archive
Thomson Reuters (UC San Diego licensed resources)
Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology Co. Ltd.
- China Monographic Serials Full-text Database (CMSD)
- Chinese Language & Culture Library (CLCL)
Torrossa Casalini
Transportation Research Record
Uniworld Business Publications
Visual History Archive (USC Shoah Project)
Wanfang Data (UCSD)
Wharton Research Data Service (WRDS)
Wilsonweb (UC San Diego licensed resources)
Wolters Kluwer